Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hi, I am back!

Boy, it has been a couple of interesting days working at the Waste Management Phoenix Open. Today, I had the experience of working in the general admission seats of the infamous 16th hole. Actually, it was fun. The rowdies made it fun without being rude and the streakers did not jump out of the stands on our side.

Now to how I will spoil you with Jewels by Park Lane (www.jewels by I have a special gift for you if you would like to look at the new catalog and help me pick new pieces to have so you and others can see it.

Respond to me here or at my ParkLane website.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Grand Opening

I am opening my Jewels by Park Lane store. I will be telling you about the company I represent, our jewelry collection, our specials, and, of course, the good, better, and best ways to own our jewelry.

Well, I am off to do other things I need to do today but I will be back SOON!